
The Return of My Muse

She was

the curious rekindling of lost dreams
& is now
returned, rediscovered, reignited.

reenter the royal we
my princess and me
(just me, + she).

There was
The Death of the Artist in me
There is
The Resurrection of the Poet in me


Let the noun stand alone.
It is collective and substantial.
(Introduction unrequired
For a love unexpired)

There was
The poetry of Middle, Ages and Ages hence
There is
The new poetry of Ginsberg & Cummings since
There was
The midnight muse and the fairy in the drink
There is
The muse returned and love’s lost labors linked.

There was She was
There is She is

(explanation unrequired
for a love that is refired)

She is
The curious rekindling of lost dreams
& me,
(she is the ( ))

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